Sunday 9 November 2014

Character Profile - Sister

Full Name- Undecided

Age- Between 17-23

Where do you live? – With the witches, we move around but I think we are somewhere in Scotland at the moment. Scottish Wastelands.

Family?- Taken from my family when I was little, I think I remember having a sister and kind of remember my mum and dad but the witches have taken me in as my family died so they are my family now.

Job/Occupation?- I work for the witches in return for them taking me in and giving me a home. I clean, cook and look after the house, they also use me as their guinea pig for spells and potions sometimes.

Person closest to you/Love the most and why?- I still love my sister even though she is lost or dead as I remember us playing and having fun and I know we were very close so I miss her a lot.

My enemy and why?- The witches say that the outside world is my enemy as the want to exploit my kindness and caring nature. They say I must never go outside without them only to do chores and must not stray too far or I will end up like my family, dead.

Who is my friend and why? I see the witches as my friend’s just people who look after me because sometimes they are really horrible to me especially when some of the spells don’t work.

What is my goal/ ambition?- My goal is to final move out from the witches and have a house of my own, I want to start and family and have someone to call my own and love me as I have never really felt love and compassion.

What am I good at?- I am good at cleaning and keeping everything in order. I am also good at looking after people even if they are mean to me. I think I am good at being compassionate and loving.

Three major events in my life?- Losing my family, I can’t really remember this as it is very hazy but I kind of remember their faces. Being taken in by the witches as or else I would have probably died, well that’s what they say, they raised me as one of their own and I am thankful for that. The last event is probably when the witches started casting spells on me as they felt horrible, uncomfortable and even painful at times but this happens so often now that I’ve become accustom to the pain.
What frightens you?- I am frightened of the witches spells as I have nightmares about them as they cause me so much pain, I am also frightened of the outside world as the witches have told me so many horrible stories about the people and the wild however I would love so much to venture out there on my own. I am also frightened of having no love in my life as I know the witches don’t show any compassion for me but im sure they just doing that to toughen my up.

Happiest time of my life?- I have a very vague and blurry memory of me and my sister playing together when we were little and I remember being so happy and loved in that moment.

Saddest time?- waking up and realising my family was gone and not knowing what was going to happen to me, but luckily the witches took me in and raised me.

My secret?- I still have a teddy that me and my sister used to share hidden under my bed, the witches hate it because they destroyed everything from my old life, they said it was to help me move on. This teddy is the only thing that keeps me from not forgetting my sister and the memories that this teddy holds.

Three words to describe myself?- Lost, dedicated, and compassionate

Favourite object?- Again this is the teddy that me and my sister shared together as it is how I remember her.

My favourite place?- my window sill and it helps me escape from my life with the witches and means I can dream of what the outside world is life. 

Inspiration/people to look at-

  • Cinderella
  • Rapunzel from Tangled 