Saturday 14 June 2014

Making Decisions and Feedback

Making Decisions

I divided my monologue up into sections and labeled them with the emotion i thought went with that section this helped me to show a journey  of my monologue and work on the progression. i started with being confused and looking after Malvolio who has just given me a ring. As the first line has a question in it, it helped me to work out the thought process of the character, my next section was slowly working out what has happened, i increased pace on my lines as it shows the penny dropping in Viola;'s head, sharp intakes of breath then a slower line show how the thought build up to a conclusion. the next section after the realization and thinking why this happened which i wanted to make slower in contrast to the previous section. Final  i am thinking about what will happen and how the situation will turn out, which at the end is a desperate and angry plead to time to help her.


My feedback on my Shakespeare is to make the beginning more powerful as at the moment i am doing it quite girly which is not what Viola's character is, she is quite tomboy and a strong, independent character. this means i have to be more strong with the beginning, still being confused but projecting my voice and having power in it. this means that when i get to the middle when i'm taking about why women fall in love so easily i can become more girly and sensitive which opposes to the beginning and then i can build to the end.

Glass eels

i made many decisions for glass eels, i decided to make the beginning quite light, girly and innocent to contrast the rest of the monologue. then as i talk to Kennith i make it quite bossy yet still playful as it show that i have a childhood innocence but am still quite strong person with maybe boyish characteristics that have been rubbed off from living in a household of men. as the monologue turns serious i loom away from Kennith and sort of glaze over and look upwards as i am thinking. however when i talk about peeling the sheet back and sneaking down i giggle about it as i find it cheeky, i took inspiration for this from the you tube video i watched when i did my research. as i reach the climax of my monologue i display both sadness and hurt, especially when i talk about my dad hitting me, at this point my speaking will get faster as i am panicky from remembering what has happened. the final line i turn back to Kennith and are almost neutral as i am trying to forget the things that have happened but i still have an underlying sadness and i bring back the some innocence as well to bring the monologue in a full circle and show her character stripped down.

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