Wednesday 11 June 2014

Why did i choose my monologues? - Viola, Twelfth Night

i found a Shakespeare monologue harder to find. this was because i needed a piece that contrasted my contemporary monologue, which was quite girly yet sad and innocent.

i decided to choose Viola from Twelfth Night

Viola is a young woman which covers a broad age range however i thought it would fit with my casting and playing age. i related to this piece as i already know Twelfth Night quite well and really liked Viola as a character, so reading through the monologue i understood it well. i also think the themes in this piece had similarities and differences to my contemporary. this piece has an interesting emotional journey running through it as this piece is all said to herself with no other characters on stage, this means that they are realizations being said, it goes from confusion through shock then understanding and sympathy and finally ends with being worried or fearful. this has a massive range of emotions but i also have to show my though process as well which makes this monologue challenging however it pushed my acting skills. this will push me to think about my movement and how i use stillness to my advantage. i will also have to work on my pace to keep up the energy of the piece. i will also need to look at the range in my voice and how i can use it to my advantage. in my initial research i recapped my knowledge of the play and what happens in the scene before.  

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